Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Bento No. 102
My son has recuperated from his cough 90% but me, not in a good shape. I constantly getting migraine and cough a lot more at night with a very painful sore throat that always visit me during the night only.  In the day, I perfectly ok.  I am still pondering whether we should go to my son's schoolmate's birthday bash this Sunday.  For the last two weeks, I put on the faced mask when I prepared my son's lunchbox and did my cooking.  I wish there is a magic pill that can cure it!

Also, my bento-making has limited to brown rice lately because my boy likes it more than white rice.  I made a seal this time.  The idea hit me because we watched the dolphin and seal show at the Underwater World last Saturday. I stir-fried some pork tenderloin with onion/carrots and blanced some caixin and placed it around the seal.  Then I used a ring foodpick imitating the hoop.  And a few colourful musical notes foodpicks on red(purple) dragonfruits.


KidsDreamWork said...

The brown rice is just so fit for the seal! Love the bento!
Hope you get well soon. Take care!

Dragonfly said...

Thanks! Feel better now :)