Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Curls and Inside out california roll

Bento No. 214
I was thinking really hard what is the theme for today's bento since I made two adorable tamgo babies with little but curly hair wearing party hats.  Pondering for a long long time and finally, I told my son it is their birthdays!  He added that he would give them a present i.e. a rabbit soft-toy.  And he chose a rabbit foodpick and placed it inside his lunchbox.  Not forgetting the birthday song, we inserted some blue musical notes on the red strawberries.  I love and enjoy decorating his lunchbox together with my boy.  He never stopped amazing me and often, I was awed by his imagination.  The blue train, which he insisted, to be photographed as well.  Any link?  Beats me!

We had an early dinner yesterday as my son was complaining he was hungry and could not wait.  His lunch consisted of only a small piece of hotdog pizza yesterday and my boy skipped his snack in the afternoon since he slept for an hour in the car.  By the time, we reached home, it was closed to 5pm.  After I had finished cooking the meal, I told my son dinner was ready and we would have it together once I had my shower.   In the meantime, he quickly set the table with forks and spoons!  He was really starving, boy!!

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